
3 rows where repo = 138669673

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Suggested facets: created_at (date)

published_at (date)

id html_url node_id tag_name target_commitish name draft author prerelease created_at published_at assets body repo
11804596 MDc6UmVsZWFzZTExODA0NTk2 0.5 master datasette-vega 0.5 0 simonw 9599 0 2018-07-06T03:18:37Z 2018-07-06T03:34:28Z [] Datasette Vega now preserves graph settings across multiple loads of variants of the same page - for example, clicking column headers to re-order the data or applying suggested facets. On the SQL page it will also persist graph settings across edits to the SQL query. #12 datasette-vega 138669673
11820542 MDc6UmVsZWFzZTExODIwNTQy 0.6 master datasette-vega 0.6 0 simonw 9599 0 2018-07-07T00:48:12Z 2018-07-07T01:20:53Z [] Tooltips! #10 Cache-busting filename for CSS and JS, so new versions won't fail to load due to browser caching. #11 datasette-vega 138669673
11849223 MDc6UmVsZWFzZTExODQ5MjIz 0.6.1 master datasette-vega 0.6.1 0 simonw 9599 0 2018-07-10T03:25:37Z 2018-07-10T03:44:51Z [] Tooltips #10 now also include the size and color column values, if those options have been selected. datasette-vega 138669673

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE [releases] (
   [html_url] TEXT,
   [node_id] TEXT,
   [tag_name] TEXT,
   [target_commitish] TEXT,
   [name] TEXT,
   [draft] INTEGER,
   [author] INTEGER REFERENCES [users]([id]),
   [prerelease] INTEGER,
   [created_at] TEXT,
   [published_at] TEXT,
   [assets] TEXT,
   [body] TEXT,
   [repo] INTEGER REFERENCES [repos]([id])
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