releases: 10542772

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html_url id node_id tag_name target_commitish name draft author prerelease created_at published_at assets body repo 10542772 MDc6UmVsZWFzZTEwNTQyNzcy 0.16 master Datasette 0.16: sort on mobile, better error handling 0 9599 0 2018-04-13T18:28:55Z 2018-04-13T21:10:53Z [] - Better mechanism for handling errors; 404s for missing table/database New error mechanism closes [#193]( 404s for missing tables/databases closes [#184]( - long\_description in markdown for the new PyPI - Hide Spatialite system tables. \[Russ Garrett\] - Allow `explain select` / `explain query plan select` [#201]( - Datasette inspect now finds primary\_keys [#195]( - Ability to sort using form fields (for mobile portrait mode) [#199]( We now display sort options as a select box plus a descending checkbox, which means you can apply sort orders even in portrait mode on a mobile phone where the column headers are hidden. 107914493
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