
4 rows where forks = 3 sorted by language

View and edit SQL

Suggested facets: description, homepage, language, has_issues, has_downloads, has_wiki, open_issues_count, license, open_issues, created_at (date), pushed_at (date)

updated_at (date)



  • 0 4


  • 3 4


topics (array)

id node_id name full_name private owner html_url description fork created_at updated_at pushed_at homepage size stargazers_count watchers_count language ▼ has_issues has_projects has_downloads has_wiki has_pages forks_count archived disabled open_issues_count license topics forks open_issues watchers default_branch permissions allow_squash_merge allow_merge_commit allow_rebase_merge network_count subscribers_count organization
130236762 MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxMzAyMzY3NjI= datasette-cluster-map simonw/datasette-cluster-map 0 simonw 9599 Datasette plugin that shows a cluster map for any data with latitude/longitude columns 0 2018-04-19T15:31:55Z 2019-11-11T04:50:27Z 2019-11-02T03:35:14Z   26 9 9 JavaScript 1 1 1 1 0 3 0 0 7 Apache License 2.0 apache-2.0   3 7 9 master {"admin": true, "push": true, "pull": true} 1 1 1 3 1  
139012 MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxMzkwMTI= python-guardianapi simonw/python-guardianapi 0 simonw 9599   0 2009-02-27T11:51:19Z 2019-08-13T14:04:32Z 2009-03-09T15:35:38Z   95 6 6 Python 1 1 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License bsd-2-clause [] 3 0 6 master {"admin": true, "push": true, "pull": true}            
192948 MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxOTI5NDg= south simonw/south 0 simonw 9599 Migrations for Django 0 2009-05-05T10:57:35Z 2019-08-13T14:23:57Z 2009-05-05T09:31:13Z 96 3 3 Python 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0   [] 3 0 3 master {"admin": true, "push": true, "pull": true}            
73721097 MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnk3MzcyMTA5Nw== dcinbox_explorer simonw/dcinbox_explorer 0 simonw 9599 A Flask+Elasticsearch UI for exploring the DC Inbox dataset from 0 2016-11-14T15:54:33Z 2019-11-06T18:15:29Z 2019-11-06T18:32:36Z 19 14 14 Python 1 1 1 1 0 3 0 0 3 MIT License mit [] 3 3 14 master {"admin": true, "push": true, "pull": true}            

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE [repos] (
   [node_id] TEXT,
   [name] TEXT,
   [full_name] TEXT,
   [private] INTEGER,
   [owner] INTEGER REFERENCES [users]([id]),
   [html_url] TEXT,
   [description] TEXT,
   [fork] INTEGER,
   [created_at] TEXT,
   [updated_at] TEXT,
   [pushed_at] TEXT,
   [homepage] TEXT,
   [size] INTEGER,
   [stargazers_count] INTEGER,
   [watchers_count] INTEGER,
   [language] TEXT,
   [has_issues] INTEGER,
   [has_projects] INTEGER,
   [has_downloads] INTEGER,
   [has_wiki] INTEGER,
   [has_pages] INTEGER,
   [forks_count] INTEGER,
   [archived] INTEGER,
   [disabled] INTEGER,
   [open_issues_count] INTEGER,
   [license] TEXT,
   [topics] TEXT,
   [forks] INTEGER,
   [open_issues] INTEGER,
   [watchers] INTEGER,
   [default_branch] TEXT,
   [permissions] TEXT, [allow_squash_merge] INTEGER, [allow_merge_commit] INTEGER, [allow_rebase_merge] INTEGER, [network_count] INTEGER, [subscribers_count] INTEGER, [organization] TEXT,
   FOREIGN KEY(license) REFERENCES licenses(key)
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