{"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/db-to-sqlite/releases/tag/0.2", "id": 15440165, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTE1NDQwMTY1", "tag_name": "0.2", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "0.2", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2019-02-08T06:01:44Z", "published_at": "2019-02-08T06:07:36Z", "assets": "[]", "body": "`--all` option can now be used to duplicate an entire database, including detecting foreign key relationships.\r\n\r\n`--table` option called without `--sql` will now mirror the specified table.", "repo": {"value": 166159072, "label": "db-to-sqlite"}} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/db-to-sqlite/releases/tag/0.3", "id": 18242211, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTE4MjQyMjEx", "tag_name": "0.3", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "0.3", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2019-02-24T21:59:42Z", "published_at": "2019-06-26T15:54:56Z", "assets": "[]", "body": "Anchor to sqlite-utils==0.13 to pick up a breaking change.", "repo": {"value": 166159072, "label": "db-to-sqlite"}} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/db-to-sqlite/releases/tag/0.4", "id": 18242248, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTE4MjQyMjQ4", "tag_name": "0.4", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "0.4", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2019-02-24T23:44:01Z", "published_at": "2019-06-26T15:55:54Z", "assets": "[]", "body": "* Create `--all` tables in toposort order\r\n* Depend on sqlite-utils version 0.14 or higher\r\n", "repo": {"value": 166159072, "label": "db-to-sqlite"}} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/db-to-sqlite/releases/tag/0.5", "id": 18242294, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTE4MjQyMjk0", "tag_name": "0.5", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "0.5", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2019-06-26T15:44:35Z", "published_at": "2019-06-26T15:57:17Z", "assets": "[]", "body": "* Foreign keys are now all added at the end, which means we can support circular foreign key references #1\r\n* Dropped dependency on `toposort`\r\n* Added `--all --skip=table` option for skipping one or more tables when running `--all`", "repo": {"value": 166159072, "label": "db-to-sqlite"}} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/db-to-sqlite/releases/tag/0.6", "id": 18310609, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTE4MzEwNjA5", "tag_name": "0.6", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "0.6", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2019-06-29T15:18:30Z", "published_at": "2019-06-29T15:27:18Z", "assets": "[]", "body": "- `--all` can now add many foreign key relationships without a `VACUUM` between each one, #8\r\n- Added unit tests against MySQL, refs #5", "repo": {"value": 166159072, "label": "db-to-sqlite"}} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/db-to-sqlite/releases/tag/0.7", "id": 18312451, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTE4MzEyNDUx", "tag_name": "0.7", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "0.7", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2019-06-29T21:27:30Z", "published_at": "2019-06-29T21:31:00Z", "assets": "[]", "body": "- Support `pip install db-to-sqlite[postgresql]` #4 \r\n- Documentation for both that and `pip install db-to-sqlite[mysql]`", "repo": {"value": 166159072, "label": "db-to-sqlite"}} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/db-to-sqlite/releases/tag/0.8", "id": 18312546, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTE4MzEyNTQ2", "tag_name": "0.8", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "0.8", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2019-06-29T21:52:48Z", "published_at": "2019-06-29T21:53:58Z", "assets": "[]", "body": "* Added `--progress` option to show progress bars during import - #7 ", "repo": {"value": 166159072, "label": "db-to-sqlite"}} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/db-to-sqlite/releases/tag/1.0", "id": 18320205, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTE4MzIwMjA1", "tag_name": "1.0", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "1.0", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2019-07-01T01:23:17Z", "published_at": "2019-07-01T01:32:47Z", "assets": "[]", "body": "See the [README](https://github.com/simonw/db-to-sqlite/blob/1.0/README.md) for full usage instructions.\r\n\r\n* Instead of using `--connection` the connection string is now a required positional argument, #14\r\n* `--sql` must now be accompanied by `--output` specifying the table the query results should be written to\r\n* `--redact tablename columnname` option can be used to redact values, #2\r\n* Foreign keys are now created with indexes, use `--no-index-fks` to disable this, #12\r\n* `--table` can now be used multiple times, #6\r\n* README and `--help` now include example connection strings\r\n* README also details how this can be used with Heroku Postgres", "repo": {"value": 166159072, "label": "db-to-sqlite"}} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/db-to-sqlite/releases/tag/1.0.1", "id": 18321523, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTE4MzIxNTIz", "tag_name": "1.0.1", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "1.0.1", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2019-07-01T04:08:01Z", "published_at": "2019-07-01T04:09:04Z", "assets": "[]", "body": "* Improvements to README", "repo": {"value": 166159072, "label": "db-to-sqlite"}} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/db-to-sqlite/releases/tag/1.0.2", "id": 19054897, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTE5MDU0ODk3", "tag_name": "1.0.2", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "1.0.2", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2019-08-03T04:01:00Z", "published_at": "2019-08-03T04:09:41Z", "assets": "[]", "body": "Fix for #18 - no longer throws error on empty tables", "repo": {"value": 166159072, "label": "db-to-sqlite"}}